Posts Tagged ‘expectations’

We are created to love and be loved; Yet love comes with a price. When we love we are putting are hearts at risk of getting hurt, frustrated, depressed or even broken. Many relationships break because they can’t stand their partner or their partner couldn’t give them the love and affection they are longing.; their partner just don’t complete them as they expect. There are relationships worth fighting and loving without expecting is one of the solution to make that vow of ’til death do us apart’ possible.

gods_love3Since we are created to be loved, we need to experience the perfect love in order for us to stop longing for more. The perfect love is found in Jesus Christ. Truth is, he could have just said no to the cross but he thought of you and me. He even prayed for us before being handed over for crucifixion. God’s love is too perfect that no one could ever top it. If you lack fatherly love, true friends, motherly love, love from a lover, etc. God can do all of that. He can be your father, friends, lover, redeemer, comforter, etc.

By allowing God to be in your everyday life, you will know His love for you better. Reading the Bible is important and will let you know Him more and prevent misunderstandings of how God works. Through His perfect love, you can love without expecting from anyone. Those missing parts of your heart will be filled in by God. You will be complete.

When you are already soaked in God’s love, you will no longer expect too much from others. God is eternal while everything on earth is temporary. You will learn to love without expecting and even start accepting.

As you experience God’s love in your everyday life, you will also be transformed as you become more and more like Christ. You will be able to love the unlovable. As God shows you His love, you will also be able to show this love He is giving you to everyone.

Through God’s unconditional love, you will also learn how to love unconditionally. And since your no longer incomplete, your demands and longing will also be gone. You will gain contentment in life. Only in God can we surrender in which we will gain. There are many things to be gained from God not because we deserve it but because He is gracious.